Japanese architect in Vienna

MNA ZT KG Partner

Miyako Nairz Architects Japan Principal


Miyako Nairz Architects I MNA ZT KG

Helene Potetz Weg 7/2/S01 | A-1120 Vienna

+43 664 394 79 73 | miyako@mnazt.com

State authorized and certified civil engineer in Japan

State authorized and certified real estate consultant in Japan

Certified Feng Shui Advisor (JADP, FSCA) specializing in architecture and interior design

Coordinator Vienna-Tokyo Architecture/Urban Development Forum

Co-Founder M.A.I.S | mobile architecture & interiordesign studio

1965 Born in Chiba, Japan

1988 Bachelor of Architecture/ WASEDA University, Japan

1990 Master of Architecture/ University of Pennsylvania, USA

1990-2004 Nairz Architekten, Vienna with Architect Mag. Joerg Nairz

2002 Established MIYAKO NAIRZ Architects, Japan

2004 Established MIYAKO NAIRZ Architects, Vienna-Tokyo

2011 Partner Architect D.I. Manfred Gräber

2016 Lector with Takaharu Tezuka at Technical University Vienna

2022 Established MNA ZT KG, Vienna with Manfred Gräber

Currently living and working in Vienna


MNA ZT KG Principal

Architect in Vienna | Burgenland


Miyako Nairz Architects I MNA ZT KG

A-1120 Wien | Helene Potetz Weg 7/2/S01

A-7574 Burgauberg-Neudauberg | Höhenstraße 3

+43 676 624 68 81 | m.graeber@mnarzt.com

We Work With

Goebl Architecture https://www.goebl-architecture.com/

Bau & Architektur GmbH https://www.bau-architektur.at/



Projects Nairz Architekten

1991 Japanese Restaurant TENMAYA, Vienna

1990 Café Vienna, Nuremberg

1991 Café Vienna in Katsushika Concert Hall, Tokyo

1992 Housing and Golf, Suessenbrunn, Vienna (with Architect D.I. Georg Baldass, 1st price in competition)

1992 Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Ljubljana

1993 Sushi Restaurant DAIHACHI, Vienna

1993 Austrian Pavillion INTERMACH Messe, Bangkok

1994 Café Vienna, Düsseldorf

1995 Austrian Pavillion WORLD EXPO, Tokyo (1st price in competition)

1995 Deloitte & Touche in Akademiehof, Vienna

1995 Café Vienna & Restaurant, Kassel

1995 Singapore Arilines, Vienna

1996 Silver Cafe Hofburg, Vienna (1st price in competition)

1997 Tri-Café im Hof, Vienna

1997 Japanese Ambassador’s Residence, Vienna

1998 Constantia Privatbank Headquarters, Vienna

1998 Austrian consulate, Tokyo

1999 Japanese Pavillon and Garten, Berndorf

2000 Asian Restaurant Chang Noodle, Vienna

2000 Cantino Haus der Musik, Vienna

2002 House Z- ‘Kleingartenhaus’, Vienna  www.nextroom.at/building.php?id=1812

2002 M.F.WILLE, Tokyo

2006 Budokan, Wels  www.budokan.at

2004 Asian Restaurant Chang Duck, Vienna

2008 Restaurant Weinzirl in Konzerthaus Vienna

Projects Miyako Nairz Architects

2004 FREY WILLE Shops, Moscow and Kiev

2005 FREY WILLE Shops, Pusan and Los Angeles

2006 FREY WILLE Shops, Hong Kong and Baku

2006 Green Tea Shop Chanoma, Vienna

2006 St.Diamond Shop in SAS Hotel, Kiev

2006 PASSIO Shop, Kiev

2007 St. Diamond Shop, Donetsk

2007 FREY WILLE Shop in Tverskaya St., Moscow

2007 FREY WILLE Shop in Crocus Shopping Centre, Moscow

2008 FREY WILLE Shop, Istanbul

2008 Restaurant/Garden in Haus der Music Museum, Vienna

2009 CARE Company, Vienna

Since 2008 creation and development of new CI Design of FREY WILLE

International Shop List  www.freywille.com

2008 FREY WILLE in Petrovsky Passage, Moscow

2009 FREY WILLE Beijing, Taipei, Cannes and St. Petersburg

2010 FREY WILLE Madrid, Milan, Capri, Hong Kong and Vancouver

2010 FREY WILLE in Sloan St. and Piccadilly, London, Prag, Sofia and Brussels

2011 FREY WILLE New York, Riyadh, Ljubljana, Bratislava, Dubai and Budapest

2012 FREY WILLE at Stephansplatz, Vienna (Flagship store), in Beverly Hills/ LA, in Rue de Sevres, Paris, Salzburg, Beirut, Poznan, Singapore, Xi’an and Tianjing

2013 FREY WILLE at Vienna Airport Terminal 1, in Kutznezky Most, Moscow (Flagship store), in South Molton St., London, in WTC, Beijing and Chengdu

2014 FREY WILLE in SOHO, New York, Venice, Barcelona and Lima

Housing Projekt

2012 House J (Vienna)

2012 Hause P (Paris)

2012 House M (Mauerbach, Austria)

2014 House G (Gaaden, Austria) www.houzz.de/projects/1698389/house-g

2018 House GE (Vienna)

2022 Rooftop Apartment F (Perchtoldsdorf)

Public Project

2016 Community Center Burgauberg-Neudauberg (Architecture Competition 1st Prize)

2018 Community Center Burgauberg-Neudauberg Project Expansion: Berglerladen and Apartments

2020 Development Study Future Area Oberwart

2021 Community Center and Community Square Burgauberg-Neudauberg

2022 Cultural Center and Housing in Oberwart, Burgenland (Architecture Competition 1st Prize)


Assistant Professor in Summer Academy of Fine Arts Salzburg

2003 Architecture Class Prof. Shuhei Endo

2004 Architecture Class Prof. Itsuko Hasegawa

2005 Architectural Class Prof. Takaharu Tezuka

2006 Architectural Class Prof. Takaharu & Yui Tezuka

2009 Architectural Class Prof. Istuko Hasegawa


Editorial Coordinator of Publications

「4 5 UNDER 4 5」Young Architecture/ Architecture im Ringturm X, Shozo Baba, 45 architects in Japan, Adolf Stiller (Eds.). (2003). Salzburg: Anton Pustet

SALZTECTURE, Shuhei Endo, Kenneth Frampton, Barbara Wally, Students of 2003 architecture master class, Miyako Nairz (Eds.). (2003). Salzburg: International Summer Academy of Fine Arts

Landscape Architecture, Itsuko Hasagawa, Takehiko Higa, Barbara Wally, Students of 2004 architecture master class, Miyako Nairz (Eds.). (2004). Salzburg: International Summer Academy of Fine Arts

Roofless Architecture, Takaharu Tezuka, Barbara Wally, Students of 2005 architecture master class, Miyako Nairz (Eds.). (2006). Salzburg: International Summer Academy of Fine Arts

Floorless Architecture, Takaharu Tezuka, Yui Tezuka, Barbara Wally, Students of 2006 architecture master class, Miyako Nairz (Eds.). (2008). Salzburg: International Summer Academy of Fine Arts